Semiotic Description of an Animated Movie “Tangled” Applying Peirce’s Semiotics Theory
This research analyzed the semiotic description of animated movie “Tangled” by using Peirce’s Semiotic theory. Descriptive qualitative method was used. The data for this investigation were collected from Tangled movie through observation and using note taking as its research tools. The findings showed that fifteen visual signs were found in the movie including four icons, five indexes and six symbols. The findings demonstrate that Peirce's semiotic theory is used to interpret the meaning of the sign's constituent parts, particularly with respect to the relationship between representamen, object, and interpretant. Rapunzel’s glowing hair, for example, is considered as the main icon because it resembles sunlight which means life and power. Her long, tangled hair also counts as an index for representing Rapunzel’s isolated life and her association with the mysterious tower and the symbol of floating lanterns represents themes of hope, dream chasing and freedom.